Presentation of the Cliffoney Heritage Audit

The Cliffoney heritage audit conducted by the heritage consultant and researcher Zena Hoctor in 2023; details the natural, built and cultural heritage of the Cliffoney Area. The heritage audit report encompasses the area from Moneygold to the Duff River and eastwards to include Ballintrillick.  

The heritage audit report also provides recommendations for what we can do as a community to help maintain and preserve our local heritage for future generations.

Cliffoney Heritage Audit 2023

We are delighted to advise that Cliffoney Community Forum have been awarded a grant from the Heritage Council under the Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2023 to conduct a heritage audit of the Cliffoney village area. 
Work has already commenced and we will keep you advised as the project develops. The Cliffoney Community Plan identified history and heritage as having an important role in giving character to the village and the surrounding areas.

Cliffoney Heritage Audit 2023

Cliffoney Community Forum has engaged the services of Zena Hoctor - Heritage Consultant, to complete a heritage audit of the Cliffoney area with active engagement from local residents.
Project to be completed by October 2023.

Cliffoney Biodiversity Action Plan

Cliffoney Community Forum has engaged the services of Sheila Murphy (Ecologist) of Beo Ecology to complete the Biodiversity action plan for Cliffoney Village with engagement from local residents and tidy towns volunteers. This project kicked off with a Cliffoney Nature Walk on 25th June 2023, facilitated by Sheila Murphy (Ecologist) and Hannah Mole (Permaculturist) to explore the biodiversity hot spots and hidden wildlife gems of Cliffoney Village. This project is grant funded by Community Foundation Of Ireland. Project to complete by March 2024.

Upgrade of Cliffoney Hall

This project kicked off in Spring 2023 and is nearing completion.
A new Toilet has been installed backstage, the external walls of the meeting room and side stage areas have been insulated, new ceilings installed, new fire doors installed, extra electrical sockets installed, walls and doors painted.